Wednesday, November 16, 2011

To travel by car or by train...

As we planned our move to New York many people were amazed when we would tell them that we were selling both of our cars. They couldn't imagine how we would live without a car.

We knew we would be able to get around just fine but did wonder how it would be to not own a car. Having driven a car every day for the past twenty some years it was a change. Relying solely on the subway is an interesting thing.

The New York subway system is amazing. I'm in awe that someone back in 1868 thought to dig an underground tunnel for the first test section between Park Place and Warren. Over a hundred years later you can travel among the five boroughs with relative ease.

5.2 million people ride the subway each week to make it the 4th most ridden subway in the world. Our new daily routine involves waiting on the train and hoping for a seat.  We definitely miss being in total control of our trip and getting to belt out the words to a favorite song.

The best thing about riding the train each day is you don't have to watch the road and you can read your book, newspaper or even eat your breakfast while commuting without worry of causing an accident. A surprise though is that there is traffic, train traffic. The dreaded announcement of the morning is that we are being held in the station due to train traffic ahead.

Overall there are moments when you miss being along in your car with the music blasting and being able to control the temperature but those moments are not often. Being able tune out and let someone else get you to work is great unless you are sitting next to the guy who hasn't showered in weeks.

It's never boring!