Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Free Delivery

Free Delivery!  It's a funny thing how you can get anything delivered in this town.  Since arriving in New York we have had all sorts of things delivered to our apartment.  For instance on a normal week my family gets our groceries and any large paper goods dropped off.

When we hosted an office party we had all of the food brought in as well as all of the beer.  I actually found a web site called BeerRightNow.Com that claims beer delivery 24/7!  The scary thing is that they actually dropped beer at my place at 8AM on the dot as promised.  Is this a good or bad thing?  I am not sure yet.  OK, it's probably a good thing!

I have made one major error by not having something delivered.  A couple months ago I decided not to pay 35 dollars to have something brought over from Manhattan but I paid another price!  Upon purchasing a large set of shelves (weighing about 75 pounds and measuring 6 feet by 3 feet) I made the poor choice of lugging it home on a small collapsable dolly.  After walking up and down about 10 flights of stairs, on and off two different subway trains and getting stares of another kind I finally made it home.  The last 5 blocks of walking made me realize that paying for delivery was not a bad thing!

When we found our kitchen chairs last week you can bet they were delivered by professionals.  Even though I am sure I could have made it!