Sunday, November 6, 2011

Out for a jog?

Today was the ING New York Marathon.  We were very excited to watch the race from right in front of our building today.  It was amazing to see all of the neighbors trickle out of their homes on a chilly Sunday morning to support runners they had never met.

One of the best parts of the race had to be the bands that were set up all around the race course.  There were three near us within a 10 block radius.  It was a really festive atmosphere (at least for those of us drinking coffee on the sidelines).  For nearly four hours runners went by giving the thumbs up and sharing big smiles.  It was definitely exciting to see people out there giving it their all.

On a side note, people did not miss the chance to play in the street since it was closed until late afternoon.  There were bikers, soccer games, and of course a little baseball happening on the avenue!  Not to mention, people are still talking about how great it is that the city got EVERY piece of litter off the sidewalk and street after the race.  Sometimes the best gifts are the things that are missing!