Monday, March 5, 2012


You have heard the saying, it's all about perspective and that is so true. After living in the south for the majority of my life I have never been one for cold weather. I was nervous about moving to New York because of winter. I was labeled a cold weather wimp by my co-workers in the south. I have learned though that it's all about perspective and the right gear. 

I used to be upset if the weather was below 50 degrees in the winter but now after experiencing regular temperatures in the 30s I have found myself being happy to see temperatures in the forties. I don't even wear my heavy coat now unless it is under 40. My perspective as changed and I am now so excited when the temperature reaches 55. 

The funny thing is that this goes the other way as well. My in laws persecutive has changed in the other direction. They moved further south and have lost what little tolerance they had for cold weather. They think it is cold at 65 degrees and only seem content if it is 80 degrees. 

So next time you hear yourself complaining about the weather just remember it is all relative!!