Saturday, January 28, 2012

What? Your not comfortable with that?

What makes you uncomfortable?  What makes your jittery, edgy, and wide eyed?  I bet you can overcome your fear here in the city.  It seems that this city has so much going on all the time that you are forced to get over the things that make you uncomfortable.  If you, like many people don't like to walk on sidewalks made of street grates we can help you with that.  If you have a fear of being caught in a revolving door or elevator, we can definitely help you with that as well.  Scared to be rubbing against 100 people that you don't know in a large sardine can, we can help with that as well. Afraid of small rodents ones with wings (pigeons) and without (rats) we will help you with that too. The list could go on and on...

The city is very good at making one reach beyond what is comfortable.  You can always count on having to be bit more aggressive or a bit louder than you may normally be in a different environment.  I think people here are forced to follow that famous Nike slogan "Just Do It".  You have to because if you don't someone else will and you will be left standing in the cold. (literally sometimes) So if you are ready to conquer some fears this is the city for you.