Monday, December 5, 2011

If not you, then who?

This phrase was brought to life for me when I was a camp counselor. Our director asked us to be aware of trash around camp an pick it up. He planted the phrase in my brain, if not you, then who? To this day as I walk down the street and see a piece of trash I think of this phrase.

Here in NYC this phrase is alive and well-sometimes for good and sometimes for not. It would be surprising to see people here in the city applying this phrase and actually picking up trash off the sidewalk. The way I see this phrase come to life for me the most though is on my commute. It has come to life for me in a whole new way. I have learned that if I don't assert myself someone else will. If I don't fill in the space on the train or the stairs someone else will. Along the same lines if I don't give up my seat for a child or older person who will.

In summary, step into the gap, make your way around people so you can make the train, give up your seat, and remember you're the WHO.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Street Noise

I live on a busy street in NY and it always has something going on no matter what un-Godly hour is on the clock.  We have enjoyed more than one interesting episode of 80 proof idiocy and even witnessed a few breakups from the bedroom window.

On one lovely evening I was awakened by an enormous amount of shouting only to see six fall down drunk 20 somethings stumbling and yelling outside.  They were making no sense but trying to look cool on their phones. I wish I had their number so I could tell them to keep moving! 

Another night, I had what may have been THE ultimate grumpy New York experience.  It was the middle of the night and one guy was screaming who knows what at a light pole and the second guy leans out of the window and begins screaming obscenities at the first guy for a solid 20 seconds.  This was of course followed by 2-3 other people yelling at the 2nd guy to knock it off.  All of this was happening at around 3AM.

Just a couple nights ago I enjoyed a true display of affection when one guy was daring his girlfriend to run him down with her SUV.  She tried repeatedly but was never able to connect.  While this was disturbing...I am not sure whose team I was on.  

I will close with some sound travel advice.  Get a hotel room as high and as far away from the street as you can.  You want NO part of a low hotel room facing an avenue unless you are hoping to spot some drama.  

Good Luck!!

Three Wide...

No this post is not about how New Yorkers love Nascar.  I am pretty sure they do not have an in the closet obsession with Jeff Gordon.  Three wide in the city is a dead giveaway for tourists as well as really annoying locals.

If you happen to find yourself walking down the sidewalk and you are three wide most likely there is someone behind you plotting your demise.  This city is all about hustle and bustle.  If I can't get by you on the sidewalk, no matter how great of a picture of the Empire State Building you are trying to get, I am not happy.  New York is not a vacation for me and I need to get to work, lunch, or back to the train.  My primary mode of transportation is my feet so I need to go the a bit above the speed limit when possible.

Look, we all slow down to read our phones or look at a store front but just like the road get out of the way if you are going to slow down.  Consider the sidewalk a street, stay in your lane and move with the flow of traffic.  This is LOCALS and tourists and by all means never block the stairs to the subway.  This may get you bumped (shoved) down the stairs by accident.

It should come as no surprise everyone in New York is in a hurry to get somewhere!

I'm Wearin' It!

Today it is nearly 60 degrees in New York City!  Yes, it is early December and no this is not normal. Millions of people are dealing with the problem of what to wear.  Most people in NY have to choose between winter clothes or summer clothes.  There is just not enough closet space to go around.  I went from a closet I could have slept in to a closet that I can't stand in.

Once the winter clothes come out there is no going back.  I never understood this fact fully until you see people wearing huge down filled coats suited for 10 degrees in the middle of a warm day.  Once those coats, sweaters, and hats are out they wear them.  You want to blend in just wear a big coat and headphones no matter what is going on around you!

I am not sure if this is laziness or just the city acknowledging the inevidable!